Lily Pad Quilting

Ole Frog Eyes Update!

Happy Sunday Everyone! I know I’m usually not here on Sunday’s but today I just had to come and share something cool and fun with you!  Do you remember back in March I did a review of Ole Frog Eyes web tool?  Well, I finally paid for my year long subscription and just in time too! Guess what was released on Friday?!? The drag and drop feature I recommended was implemented! I know I am not the only person who asked for the feature and I also know that it was something that they had been working on for quite some time and I am just so excited to use it! I have already finished my quilt top from the Sew Happy Geek QAL, but I decided to log in to Ole Frog Eyes and play around with the lay out yesterday…mainly because it was so EASY!

Here is my original – and yes all these pictures will be screen shots so you can see what I did.

Hover over the block you want to move and place your mouse on the green icon (looks like a wrench).

Click on the wrench, hold the button down, and then you can drag you block where ever you want!

and Voila! The block is moved!

I am so excited about this new feature. We head back to Washington on Friday where I have a bunch of purple bee blocks and my month of Sew Bee Blissful waiting to be photographed and loaded up. I can’t wait to start playing with potential quilt layouts – it is going to be a million times easier now!

Thanks for listening Snoodles and the Ole Frog Eyes Team!

PS. This is not a sponsored post – I am posting it because I love this product and wanted to share with all of you!


Colonial Needle Review and Giveaway!


Welcome to my day of the Colonial Needle Blog Hop – to see the rest of the schedule please go visit my post here and to read more about it please to visit Lily Pad Quilting! If this is your first time to my blog, welcome!

I have absolutely loved working with Colonial Needle’s products the past month! I have had a lot of handwork to get done lately, sewing down quilt bindings, burying threads and some hand quilting. This hop couldn’t have happened at a more opportune time!

The product was most interested in test driving was the Colonial Needle Pebbles.

These are handy little needle carrying cases with an assortment of different types of needles inside. Each Pebble has a different assortment of needles: quilting, beading, household, tapestry, etc.  I immediately opened the Quilting Pebble and got straight to work – here is a close up of some of the stitching I did on my mom’s mother’s day gift.

Sewing with the Pebbles was smooth and easy. They were not overly flexible, I didn’t break a single needle (yeah, I’ve done that…), and they just glided right through all three layers. Love Love Love.  The only thing that was hard for me was getting the needle out of the Pebble, but my hands don’t always like to cooperate with me (the doctors are working on that).  One of the things I liked best, was that I could just throw the entire case into my sewing bag and I didn’t have to worry about my needles getting loose and free ranging in my bag. It was nice to be able to reach in without fear of stabbing myself with a rogue needle (yup, done that more than once!).  I also like that the Quilting Pebble contained 16 different needles ranging in size and length – this meant I always had the right needle when I was working. Can’t get better than that.

Now, I don’t want you to think that Colonial Needle just makes needles, oh no, they make way more than just needles. In the package of products I received from Lily Pad Quilting there were the following products: Safety Pins, Snap Fasteners, Magnets, Stitch Rippers, Measuring Tapes, and Hooks & Bars, AND that was just a sampling of their products! Please visit their website to see their huge assortment of tools that every sewist needs.

I promised a giveaway in the title, didn’t I? Well how about 2 prize packs of assorted Colonial Needle products, each one will include a Pebble Set and a set of their regular needles as well. Then there will be an assortment of all the tools that were in my package. How does that sound? Need a picture to make sure you want in on the goodies…

Each prize pack will include one of everything pictured above (though the needles may be a different type) and possibly more…depends on how much I can fit in the boxes I get!

How can you enter?

1. Be a follower (old or new) and tell me how you follow – there are so many ways to do it in my sidebar!
2. Alert the media – blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway – come back and give me the link.

You will have from today, April 19th through Wednesday April 25th (9pm Pacific time) to enter and I will announce the winner on April 26th.  Good luck!


Winners, Vacation, and a Hop!

Happy Monday Everybody!!!  I am so excited to announce the winners of the generous giveaway from Sondra at Contemporary Cloth – I love announcing winners, but it is even more fun when there is more than one!

First up…

Author: Angie
I’m a twitter follower.

Second up…

Author: Jacque
I added Contemporary Cloth to my Facebook page!

Third up…

Author: Mary
I signed up for Contemporary Cloth’s newsletter. Thanks for the chance to win.

Congratulations everyone! I will be sending your email addresses to Sondra and she will contact you since I will be out of the country.

Which brings me to Vacation!!!

My husband and I are taking our first ever vacation without our baby girl. We will be spending 4 days in Victoria, BC in Canada. I am so excited and so nervous at the same time. I know Anne will be fine, her Nana and Baba (grandpa) will be staying at our house with her. It is me that I am worried about, I just know I am going to have separation anxiety, I already have it and we haven’t even left yet!!! Good grief!  The top of my list is going to Butchart Gardens, after that I will do whatever my hubs wants to do. I have already been there and this is his first trip.

And now for the hop!

I am participating in the Colonial Needle Blog Hop hosted by Lily Pad Quilting. Go check it out, I will be back on Thursday with my post and giveaway for the hop!

Sunday, April 15 – Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting
Monday, April 16 – SewCalGal
Tuesday, April 17 – Gene Black – An Alabama Artist & Quilter
Wednesday, April 18 – Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
Thursday, April 19 – Yours Truly – Sew BitterSweet Designs
Friday, April 20 – Kiera at It’s Sew Kiki
Saturday, April 21 – Sunni at Love Affair With My Brother
Sunday, April 22 – Barbara at Cat Patches

I will see you on the flip side on Thursday! Have a great week!

Colonial Needle Blog Hop


I know I don’t normally post on Sundays, but today is special. It is the first day of the Colonial Needle Blog Hop!  This hop is being hosted by Snoodles from Lily Pad Quilting.

This hop will be going on for the next week and includes some of my favorite quilting and sewing bloggers! Check out the line up:

Sunday, April 15 – Snoodles at Lily Pad Quilting
Monday, April 16 – SewCalGal
Tuesday, April 17 – Gene Black – An Alabama Artist & Quilter
Wednesday, April 18 – Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
Thursday, April 19 – Yours Truly – Sew BitterSweet Designs
Friday, April 20 – Kiera at It’s Sew Kiki
Saturday, April 21 – Sunni at Love Affair With My Brother
Sunday, April 22 – Barbara at Cat Patches

This is going to be a week filled with reviews and giveaways of products that every sewist and quilter NEEDS. I mean seriously how can you sew without NEEDLES!

I will be back tomorrow with the winner of the Contemporary Cloth Giveaway – you have until 9:00 pm Pacific Time tonight to enter. Then I will be off until my day of the blog hop. My hubs and I are getting ready for some major life changes (I will fill you in on the details next month – I promise) and we have decided to take a few days to ourselves in beautiful Victoria, BC. I am really excited and looking forward to some time alone with my hubs. I have a feeling, however, that I am going to miss Anne terribly (my parents are coming up here to stay with her while we are gone) and will be homesick for her before we even get to the border crossing!

Now head over to Lily Pad Quilting to have some Needle Fun!

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