Sorry I didn’t post this earlier, I was a bit under the weather, but seeing as today is National Quilt Day, it seemed like the perfect day to introduce Spike to you!
Spike is a 22″ Innova Long Arm with a standard regulator. He sits on a 12 foot table that is squished into my studio. It is so awesome to have him here. Anne and I have already been having fun quilting with him!
This is the first thing I made on Spike, really just trying to get my quilting legs under me. Trying out lots of different designs and seeing what I like best. I have my first quilt picked out that I want to do on him, it is a sampler quilt so that I can try lots of different designs out and one that is for my home so if it isn’t perfect, no one will know but me!
Last night I loaded some white linen that has been sitting in my stash for 4.5 years to practice on. Capri, my Innova Rep and wonderful new friend recommended drawing out an 8″ square grid to practice in and helped me a lot, less blank canvas feeling. Having a defined space to work in helped me a lot. Here is some of what I stitched last night.
I am having so much fun and Anne is too! I will post a video tomorrow of her on the long arm. As soon as it was set up the first words she said to me were “Mommy, can I please go first?” She had to wait and go second, but she was super excited that she go to long arm quilt. This is the beginning of awesome things for both of us!
Have a great National Quilting Day! Make something cozy!