Personal Post

Hurry Up and Wait! (And a giveaway!)

Sometimes that is the motto of the army. Hurry Up and Wait!  It can drive an army wife nuts, especially when you are waiting for your loved one to come home.  This weekend, after SIX separate delays, my husband came home to us. I can’t remember the last time I cried so many tears of joy, oh wait, yes I can, it was the last time he came home 2 years ago! I thought I would share some pictures with you, but for those who have never been to a military homecoming ceremony, I will explain how this works.

First you get a phone call saying when your husband will be home, if you are lucky, he comes home on the day and time given, if you are less lucky, you will have multiple changes and delays.  You occupy your time by making welcome home signs, baking, and in our case recovering from being ill.

Anne was up at 6:30 the day her daya came home begging me to make our sign:

When the big day comes you typically go to a gym, most of the wives and children are dressed to the nines (we want to look our best for our loved one) and then we wait. There is a projection screen set up and it is usually focused on an airfield – where your husband’s plane is going to land. You haven’t heard screaming until that plane suddenly appears on that screen.

After the plane lands, the soldiers start to disembark and the screams get a little louder as wives and children start to recognize their loved ones! When Anne saw her Daya, she thought he was right outside the building and took off running to go get him, luckily my mom was faster than her and caught her before she got outside! After they arrive it is another 2-3 hours before you get to see them in person, they have to in-process at the base – luckily they turned a movie on for the kids to watch while they waited for their daddies.

The hardest part of the whole ceremony is when they start to raise the screen and you see those army boots. All you want to do is run and you have to stay put.  I had to pick Anne up and hold her back from running out to her daya.

Then they march towards you and you have to listen to the commander give a speech while you stare at your loved one and wish for him to be in your arms.

Anne was a trooper – she had a little fun while she was waiting.

Then finally finally, when the speech making is over, he is yours! For 48 hours anyways, after that he goes back to work.

So there you have it, there are army boots in my house again! Oh yeah, and I totally missed the first half of the Super Bowl, picking this guy up was way more important 🙂

I would like to say a personal thank you to all of my wonderful friends who have stood by my side this past 9 months. You have made this deployment so much easier and I am so grateful for each and every one of you.

I know I said there would be a giveaway at the top of this post. My wonderful friend Sondra (who has literally checked on me every single day for the last 9 months) from Contemporary Cloth wanted to help me celebrate our special reunion with a giveaway to her store, two of my awesome readers will win a $20.00 gift certificate to Contemporary Cloth!

As you hopefully already know, Contemporary Cloth specializes in unique fabrics not often seen anywhere else, Japanese Yuwa fabrics, organic fabrics, an outstanding selection of solids and so much more!

This giveaway will be open until February 13, 2013, I will announce the winner on Valentine’s Day – which will be extra sweet for us this year!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you haven’t already, make sure you enter your goal for February over on our Lovely Year of Finishes party! Tomorrow is the last day to link up. You only need to set one goal for each month.

Christmas Care Package

I’m not sure how many people who read my blog are military or former military, but I thought some people might be interested to know what Anne and I sent to my husband for Christmas in his care package.

This care package is chock full of goodies. I will start with the 3 (yes there are 3) green Tupperwares. They are full of home baked goodies: hot cocoa cookies, gingerbread cookies and rice crispy treat trees complete with m&m and red hot ornaments. Anne and I had so much fun baking for her Daya (that’s how she says daddy).

I wanted to be sure to include a couple wrapped gifts, so I put in his favorite Christmas movie, the original “How the Grinch Stole Christmas” and my mom put in 2 dvds that she bought. Anne picked out the LED, USB Powered Christmas tree, I thought it was especially neat as it will run off any computer. He also has some See’s candies, a tradition from my family and an m&m toy – a tradition from his family. Anne and I made a salt dough hand print Santa Clause and I included some art we did together and our picture with Santa. We have yet to have a picture with just her and Santa, she is a big fan…from afar!

Since these aren’t “Christmas” gifts, I’m not going to feel too bad about the price tag being left on the dvd set…He has a thing for mint and dark chocolate so that is why there is a candy bar. I also thought he might like to be able to hold and see the pictures from Anne’s 3rd birthday whenever he wants, so I sent him a little book of all of them.

So that is it, our Christmas care package. No sewing, but lots of baking and love going into it. And now a favor, please say a prayer that this care package makes it to him on time. I missed the mailing deadline by ONE day!!! I am hoping and praying it arrives by Christmas, after all I sent it with 14 days to spare. We shall see I guess.

The Amazing Shrinking Giraffe

Or maybe an alternative title:

“The Amazon Baby”

In case you are wondering, from left to right: 2 weeks old, 1 year old, 2 years old, and 3 years old. That giraffe just keeps getting smaller and smaller.  There is a story behind the giraffe, do you want to hear it?  Ok, twist my arm, I’ll tell you!

When I was pregnant, my husband wanted to have a surprise, he didn’t want to know the gender of the baby and I REALLY REALLY wanted to know. When I went to the ultrasound appointment, thanks to the army he couldn’t be with me, Anne was in no mood to cooperate so we didn’t get to find out then. I was bummed! However, my mom wanted to know even more than I did, and I will be perfectly honest with you, torturing my mom turned out to be pretty fun. When my mom threw me a baby shower in CA where I grew up she made me a diaper cake and the giraffe above was the very center of the cake.

Now, I was super high risk, so I had to do lots of tests and during the last 2 months of my pregnancy I had 3 ultrasounds a week (meaning lots of opportunities to find out) to check on Anne’s progress and at one point I even had a failed version (Anne was breech). At each appt the doc always said “I’m going to say a gender, but that is just a way of referring to the baby, I’m not actually telling you the gender.”  Well at my version, my mom took the doc to heart because the doctor said “HE” so many times. Needless to say at 1:36 pm on November 12, 2009, my mom got a real surprise, finding out that Anne was in fact a girl!

Ever since she was born she has had that giraffe by her side, and he is shrinking at a rapid rate. Anne is only 3 and she is already 40.5 inches tall. This is actually the first time since she was 2 months old that she has actually been on the height chart at 99%, every other time she has been well over 100%.

Are you wondering why I am taking this walk down memory lane? Because every year for Christmas I make my parents, god parents, in-laws, and myself of course, an Anne Calendar. Her greatest hits from the year before, and the picture above is the cover of this year’s calendar.

Happy Holidays from Anne and I!

Did you miss me?

This last week and a half has just been a bear for me.  Anne and I have come down to CA for holiday and our very first day here Anne ended up in the ER. Good grief! She is so my child! I swear, not a vacation went by when I was a child that I didn’t end up in the ER – yes I am a natural born klutz. I am beginning to think Anne is too. Of all my traits that she just had to inherit!

The next day I went to put her new medication on her on Tuesday only to discover that it had peanut oil in it! Her doctor and the pharmacy are so lucky that I read everything before letting it near her because I’m fairly certain that would have landed us back in the ER! Would have had to kill them!!! (Sorry, that is the mama bear in my talking)

The day after that…my 18 year old cat started throwing up blood at 2 am.  That was traumatic and he spent 2 days at the vet’s house. I swear it was like the hits just kept on coming!

On the upside, Anne did NOT have a concussion, but they were concerned and Paws is back home with us, though he is still adjusting to his medication. Hoping and praying that it kicks in quickly.

In sewing news…I set up my mom’s sewing machine on Saturday (talk about a learning curve, sewing on a 20 year old machine!) and I actually finished a quilt!  Depending on the weather, I will post pictures tomorrow.

Now how about some winners… the 2 winners for the charm packs have been announced over on my tutorial for the Mirrored Diamonds blocks – I will be emailing them later today.  The winner of the Selvages is – commenter number one – Lisa McGriff. I will be emailing you later today as well unless you beat me too it!

Hopefully back tomorrow with pretty quilt pictures!


Dear Daddy

I have no sewing to show you today. I had another eye appointment yesterday and they dilated my eyes and did some tests I would love to never have again, unfortunately I will have them again this time next year.  I wasn’t going to blog at all until this morning my amazing daughter, Anne, she is turning 3 next Monday, started “reading” a letter she “wrote” to her daddy. After the 3rd time of her saying it, I finally ran and grabbed my video camera. Let me be clear, I did not teach her this and I did not rehearse this with her, she did this all on her own….

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