Personal Post

Have a Haunting Halloween!

Happy Halloween Everyone!

I thought I would share a few pictures from Anne’s Halloween photo shoot. We have been having her picture taken professionally every year since her first Halloween.  This year was extra special because…I made her costume!!!

The dress pattern is the Gemini Jumper by Little Comet Tails, the hat is from Simplicity Pattern 2571. It is the hat in picture E.

I didn’t actually start out to dress her up as a witch, I started out to just make her a dress she could wear this month, but when she saw the dress she asked if it was her costume and I told her if she wanted it to be it could.   She originally wanted to be a pumpkin but it totally made my day that she wanted to wear the dress I made her!

Have a Happy Halloween!

Pumpkin Hunting

Happy Hump Day Everyone!  Yesterday Anne and I had such a fun day.  It was sunny out and according to the forecast it wasn’t supposed to rain (it had been raining straight since Friday). Well, silly me, I believed the forecast. That will teach me! I told Anne that after kindergym (organized chaos for 2-4 year olds) we would head up to the pumpkin patch, then I decided that before we went to the pumpkin patch we needed to pick up rain boots, after all we were heading to the pumpkin patch after 4 days straight of rain.  Turns out that was my smartest move yet!

We got to Hunter’s Pumpkin Patch and the sun was shining brightly and it was so warm we left our raincoats in the car (are you seeing a problem…because I didn’t).  We started out in the Hay Maze (smaller than the corn maze which guaranteed me that I wouldn’t have to carry a tired toddler back out).

Then we found a HUGE slide!

Then all of a sudden the huge pumpkins became rather interesting…

We took the tractor pulled wagon on out to the pumpkin patch, Anne loved the ride.

Now what you aren’t seeing is any pictures of us picking pumpkins because as soon as we got into the actual pumpkin patch, the skies opened up and dumped buckets and buckets of rain on us. It was the fastest pumpkin picking session ever!!!  By the time we got back we were fairly well soaked.

Do you like our new boots?!?  Considering we didn’t have our raincoats I was mighty happy to have our rain boots!

Thursday Cuteness!

So I’ve been sewing…a lot. Nothing is ready to show you yet, so instead I thought I would show you a little cuteness from Anne!

We are in our third week of gymnastics and it has been so much fun. She is the youngest in her class and the tallest…by a lot. Yes, there is a reason that we call her “our little amazon”. I thought I would share a video that we made for her daddy also known around here as “Daya”.  I uploaded this to facebook so that he could be a part of gymnastics even though he is half a world away.

I hope you are all having a fantastic day, make sure you come by tomorrow to see my day on the Craft Buds Craft Book Month blog hop!

Craft Book Month at Craft Buds


I have company today! Two of my closest friends in the world. Not a day goes by when I don’t talk to both of these people. Can you guess who they might be?!?

My mom and dad!!!

Yup, I’m a little excited to see them! Today is their 40th wedding anniversary – wow!  I am so excited Anne and I get to spend it with them.

In other news – Anne started gymnastics this week! I decided to sign her up for it to get her moving and also because I thought it would be good for developing her listening skills and following directions skills. She did so great! Here is a picture of her ready to go to her first night!

She just looks so grown up to me with her hair pulled back! When did that happen?!?

Kristy has a great pattern review on her blog today of the Birdiful Stitches E-Reader Cover. Head on over to check it out and you can enter to win this very same pattern here.

I hope you all have a great weekend! Make sure you stop by tomorrow for a pattern review and GIVEAWAY! Oh yeah, and Sunday I have a great tutorial for you too!

The Pillow Thief

In my house there is a pillow thief. The thief strikes early in the morning. She yells I’m awake, then comes barreling down the hall with her “bubble blanket” also known as the “Dresden Tumbler Quilt“, climbs into bed with me and promptly demands my pillow. My nice, warm, perfectly soft, comfortable pillow. The one under my head! That I was just fast asleep on moments prior to hearing her yell “I’m Awake!”  Then after I give it to her she tends to get frustrated because she has a hard time getting the pillowcase off…this frustration is due to the fact that she has no real interest in my pillow, but in the fact that my pillow is covered in minky dot fabric.  As soon as I, oh so obligingly, remove said pillowcase she curls up UNDERNEATH my pillow. She isn’t even using it as a pillow!

This thievery must come to an end!  I am hoping I have put a stop to it…yesterday after my terrible dentist appointment which has resulted in my needing a second root canal on a tooth that had one on it five years ago (don’t get me started!) I decided I needed some retail therapy. We found ourselves at JoAnn’s and I let the thief select 2 different minky dot fabrics. During nap time…a blanket was born!

Here are a couple of pics after it was unveiled.

Now I’m sure you can probably guess that there is no shortage of cuddly blankets in our house and you already know from last week that there is certainly no shortage in Anne’s room, but I needed to rescue my pillow. I will report back later and let you know if the thieving has come to an end!

(This was the fastest blanket I ever made! I bought 2 pieces of minky that were 58″x58″ laid them right sides together, pinned the heck out of them. Started sewing using a 1/2″ seam with my walking foot. I left an 8 inch gap in the center of one side for turning and then I just top stitched that seam closed. Super fast and easy!)

Have a happy Thursday! The long holiday weekend is almost here!

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