Personal Post

Bad Emailer

Have you commented on my blog in the last 2 days? Have you noticed that I haven’t replied. I’m so sorry, I don’t mean to be rude, and I swear I will, but I have had a great deal of pain in my hands the last 3 days and it has been rather hard for me to even contemplate sitting at the computer, much less typing.  I go to the rhuematologist on Monday and I will hopefully get my medications changed, as the ones I am on are clearly NOT working!

In the meantime, how about a sneak peak at a tutorial I have coming up for you next week courtesy of Fat Quarter Shop

Happy Friday!

Confession Time

We have lived in our house for 13+ months. We are the first owners and it was brand spanking new when we moved in.  That isn’t the confession, the confession is that we have done almost ZERO decorating in our house during the last 13 months!  There were a lot of expenses that never occurred to us when we bought our home…like window coverings.  There weren’t even BLINDS when we moved in!  That was a fast $3,000!  We moved from a 1,400 square foot one story home to a 2,600 square foot 2 story home – we didn’t even have a bedroom set for our master bedroom – hello IKEA!  Needless to say some things have just never been taken care of, partly out of laziness, partly because I really hate decorating, but mostly because it is a brand new home and if it has involved making any kind of hole in the wall I have shied away from it.

Yesterday that all changed thanks to the wonderful help of my Father-in-Law – our master bedroom finally got CURTAINS!!! Which means I am no longer waking up at the crack of dawn (literally). The window on the right faces East!  The quilt is my original design and please don’t judge the pictures on the ground…I swear they will get hung up someday!  I really want to get a table for our little seating area in our room, either that or bring up the Hope Chest from California that my mom said I could have…

The only problem is that there are three small windows behind our bed that are still uncovered. I’m not quite sure what to do with them, and now that all of the other windows are covered, I do really want to do SOMETHING with them, I’m just don’t really know what. I’m totally open to suggestions, and from the expression on her face…I think Anne is quite shocked they are still naked!

Oh yeah, and no judging my Target bed set – the king size Swoon quilt is a work in progress!  The goal is for it to someday take up residence here…you know when I have spare time to work on it – LOL!

And now for the gratuitous cute picture of Anne – because I really can’t help myself!

If you haven’t already, make sure to take a few minutes to go enter to win my first ever custom fat quarter bundle!

The Fruits of Our Labors

8 delicious pounds of freshly picked strawberries!

We started off the day with Anne wearing a perfectly darling outfit (that she picked out), nice and clean and bright yellow.

We got to the strawberry farm, picked up our baskets and headed out on a tractor ride out to the field – Anne was so excited about the tractor ride – and is really looking forward to pumpkin picking now because I told her she gets to ride one then too!

Here she is with her granny – she was so tickled!

Here she is after with our haul! Gotta love the strawberry stains up the dress – which did NOT come out in the wash by the way 🙂  Oh well, guess I will use more stain stick next time!

I don’t know why, but I just think this is the sweetest little picture of her…

Here she is celebrating all her berries on the tractor ride back. These are my hubby’s parents, affectionately known as Granny and Poppy.

Needless to say there has been a whole lot of berries consumed in our house this weekend, and even more have been frozen for smoothie drinks later!

What did you do this weekend?  Check in tomorrow to see how my father-in-law helped me give my home more of a “lived in” look!

If you haven’t already, make sure to take a few minutes to go enter to win my first ever custom fat quarter bundle!

Linking up with Plum and June!

Retail Therapy

So yesterday was a rough one for me and Anne. Yet another cruddy medical diagnosis. Anne is now up to 5 different medications a day, and she just can’t seem to catch a break. Nothing life threatening just something I would rather her not deal with is all. So…to make up for the rough day Anne and I treated ourselves a bit. We started out with Starbucks on the way home from the hospital. She loves getting a scone and a Vanilla milk, yesterday though she got a cake pop – as I said bad day.  I got a Frappuccino and a cookie.

Now you would not believe what was in the next parking lot over?!? My absolute favorite local quilt shop, Ruby Street Quiltworks in Tumwater, WA. We drove over there and did some retail therapy!  I have been planning a little project for Anne since we were in California and went through some of my toys from the early 80s.  I want to remake something for her dolls that I had as a child (more on that later and hopefully a tutorial to go with it!). Check out the fabric she picked out:

She picked out Welcome to Bear Country by Moda. Go figure that she would pick the Berenstain Bear fabric…they are her favorite books and for a long time it was the only thing she would watch on TV.

When I was putting her fabric in my sewing room she picked up my magnifying glass – have I ever mentioned I’m blind as a bat?

I would like to introduce you to Inspector Gadget…Quilt Gadget that is!

What are you working on today?

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