
Journal Covers

So I’m a tad addicted to Pinterest, and I have found that I pin a ton of things but don’t actually make them, I decided at the end of December that was going to change. It was time to start making some of the things that I pinned.

I saw a couple of great tutorials for journal covers, quite specifically this one by Rachel from Stitched in Color.


I decided to give this one a go and made 3 journal covers. I was very happy with all of them!

I made this lovely for my wonderful friend Lyanna, I had planned on sending it to her before the end of December, but things happen and it didn’t make it until the middle of January. I know she loved it and I was tickled with how it turned out.

This one I made using Rendezvous – my all time favorite fabric line. For the inside cover I played around with the Hex n More ruler, I hadn’t used the jewel shape before and I really love the scrappy feel of it.

This one I made for my mom. I had to line it because the blue journal was showing through the white fabric. The one thing I was mad at myself for is that the hexies are off center, but I was still learning and figuring the pattern out. At the end of the day I know my mom liked it and didn’t care that it wasn’t perfect.

What have you all been working on?

Web Favs of the Week

Welcome to Web Favs!

First off, I have really jumped off the deep end and have decided to start designing my own quilt blocks – to go along with this I also have a business name BitterSweet Baby Quilt Designs (named after my precious daughter Anne).  With designing comes an awful lot of math, not my strongest suit but I am getting better at it, especially with the help of websites like this: Victoriana Quilt Designs.  Her site has EVERYTHING a quilt block designer needs – especially all of the pesky math already worked out. My favorite is the free printable quilting charts with everything including HST measurements and backing allowances.  Here site is AWESOME, if you have time and the desire to design but no desire to do math, this is the site for you!

image courtesy of: Yesterday On Tuesday

You may have noticed that I  have what you might call “a crafting habit”.  I think we can both stand up and say, “Hi my name is _______, and I have a crafting habit.”  Well these habits cost MONEY and lucky for us, Yesterday on Tuesday, wrote a blog post last week entitled “7 Ways to Afford Your Craft Habit“. I learned a few things from this post, including the fact that you can now get Michael’s coupons on your phone, did not know that but now that I do, Michael’s better watch out for this Smartphone carrying Mama! I plan to save!

New Feature:  Getting to know your fellow Brother Lovers!

Image courtesy of: The Confused Quilter
I love reading the blogs of those who follow us, after all the best part about blogging is getting to know other bloggers! Staci blogs at The Confused Quilter and like Sunni and I, she is also an Army Wife (there seem to be an awful lot of us blogging about our crafts these days!).  She also participates in Block Swap Adventures, but she has been a member much longer than either Sunni or myself. To see some of Staci’s gorgeous quilts and read about her adventures with her husband hop on over to her blog!
Finally, do you Pinterest?  I do!  Feel free to follow along with me, I admit I have done much pinning lately, but when I do, watch out!
My Feed:
Follow Me on Pinterest Pinning can be addictive, I haven’t pinned in awhile because I was spending more time Pinning and Repinning than most anything else, so beware! 

What are you loving this week? Do you have any Favs to share with us?

I am also guest posting at Sew Homegrown today! Head on over and check it out!



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