Quilting Bees


I have been part of this wonderful online community for a little less than 2 years and actively on Twitter for about a year now. Through this community I have made so many wonderful friends and connections. These friends have brought such joy to my life, and this past week I was blessed enough to work with 2 friends to bring some joy to another friend’s life.

I met 3 wonderful ladies on Twitter, @h2ogirl76 (aka. fiberofallsorts) – real name Shanna, @sewhappygeek – real name Jenna, and @HQSuz – real name Susan. Earlier this year, Susan wrote a heartfelt blogpost about losing her father. It is never easy to lose someone you love and Shanna, Jenna and I teamed up in the hopes of doing something that would honor her father and show her how much she is loved and supported. Thus a quilt was born.


Photo courtesy of The History Quilter (Susan)

The ever talented Jenna from Sew Happy Geek, took the Navy Star block and enlarged it giving Shanna and I this amazing pattern to work with. Shanna was the guiding force behind the colors and figuring out how to assemble the extra large blocks, and let me tell you that lady has an eye for color! My role was to stitch a couple of the blocks and quilt it. I also needed to figure out how to send it and keep it a surprise, and in walks another wonderfully talented lady, Jaye from Artquiltmaker. She was the essential link in getting this quilt mailed and keeping it a surprise. She is friends with Susan and was willing to package and ship our quilt for us, putting the wonderful final touch on this quilt of love.

Susan has since named this quilt “The Navy Quilt” and I have first hand knowledge that she has already spent some quality time snuggling underneath it. Being part of something like this just solidified the importance of this community and the connections we make in my mind. Sometimes it is about stepping outside yourself and doing something for someone else in need. Thank you Jenna, Shanna and Jaye for letting me be a part of this, and Susan, I truly hope you enjoy your quilt.

If you would like to read Susan’s blog post about the quilt, please go to History Quilter and read all about it. If you would like to read Shanna’s post, please go to Fiber of All Sorts and read all about it there.

Bee Blocks

I am participating in 3 bees right now where I exchange blocks with others: the 3×6 Sampler Mini Quilt Bee, 4×5 Modern Quilt Bee, and Sew Bee Blissful. I also am doing 2 charity “bees”: do. Good Stitches (Trust Circle) and Quilting for Kids.

All my blocks for this quarter and for March are finally completed and I thought I would share them all with you!

Do.Good Stitches – Followed this tutorial from SewMamaSew

Star & Dot – Block 1235 Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Blocks
3×6 Bee

Sawtooth Stars – 4×5 Bee

Sew Bee Blissful – our inspiration was Gee’s Bend


Asterisk BlockAsterisk Block for Quilting For Kids: Followed this tutorial: lollyquiltz.blogspot.com/2010/05/asterisk-crazy.html

That is all my sewing for other people this month. My month is in May for Sew Bee Blissful, I have my fabrics in hand and I need to start cutting and getting ready to mail it all out next month! What bees are you in?

Tomorrow is the start of the Giveaway Blog Hop being hosted by Michele at Quilting Gallery, make sure you stop by, I have something special in store for you!

Weekend Sewing

Happy Monday! Did you remember to change your clocks? If not, no biggie, you will just be an hour early for everything!

Not too much sewing got done this weekend. I spent most of Saturday sleeping and recovering from the nasty little bug. No rest for me the rest of the week though, my hubs is out of town all week, so it is just me and Anne.  She keeps telling me she wants to sleep in my mommy’s bed, but I’m trying hard to not start that habit, so far I am winning the battle, we will see how long it lasts!

Yesterday I did make 2 blocks for the 3×6 Bee I am in on Flickr, well one was a re-make.

I also finished up the Zig Zag Zoom quilt – I still need to bury the threads though. I will post pictures of it later this week, I am waiting for better light – although that might all be in vain seeing as I live in Washington where the sun is lacking these days!

Did you get anything done this weekend?

Coming soon to a blog near you!

There is still time to vote for your favorite project in the Valentine’s Day Showcase – head on over and vote! You can vote for more than one project – so spread the love where you feel the need 🙂

I thought I would give you a sneak peak at some of the things I have been working on – each has a tutorial coming soon!

Have you heard of the Home Sweet Home QAL going on over at Kim’s Crafty Apple? Kim asked me via twitter back in January if I would like to be a designer for her QAL and I said “yes, of course!” About a week ago panic set in, I had NO IDEA what I was going to make for my block. I seriously considered doing a tree house block – but I just couldn’t settle on a design. What do you think? Do you like this block? I see 3 more similar blocks being made and a wall hanging being created!

This is going to be a wall hanging for my mom. I made this using the Tri-Recs ruler (review coming next week!) and I honestly just started cutting and sewing without any real plan in mind. I am calling this “Guiding Star” because for so long, my mom has been just that in my life. The only time I have gone more than a day without talking to her has been when she goes traveling overseas with my dad (and we usually end up web camming whenever she does!). What do you think? Will she like it?

I joined the 3×6 Bee on Flickr this quarter and I said I would be open to any type of hive. I ended up in the paper piecing hive (hives immediately set in!!!). I have been wanting to improve my paper piecing (I’ve only done 4 blocks previously) and now I had no choice! I picked a block from the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilt Blocks and drew it up in EQ7. I love how it turned out – it almost looks 3-dimensional.  I will have a tutorial up complete with cutting and sewing templates in the next couple of weeks.

What have you been up to? Did you get any sewing done over the long weekend?

Today I am off to the doctor to follow-up on some ongoing issues, so I won’t be around too much in the morning and later today the fridge repair company is coming back for the 4th time in an attempt to fix my ice maker! At this rate I hope to have ice by summer!


Busy Little Bee

The past couple of weeks I have been a busy little bee – literally. I thought I would share with you some of the bee blocks I have been working on.

For the Trust Circle of Do.Good Stitches I made two wonky star blocks

Here is a link to the tutorial I used

Next up I made up my blocks for Sew. Bee. Blissful

This is the Starflower Block from Jennifer at Ellison Lane Quilts

Finally I signed up for the 4×5 Bee on Flickr. I had to make 5 blocks for my hive mates. The purple and gray one is my test block and the colors I requested from my bee mates. This is a sawtooth star block – I didn’t use a tutorial – if you would like me to do one – let me know!

I am still working on blocks for the 3×6 Bee – also on Flickr. I am working on a paper pieced star for that bee (my hive is all paper pieced blocks).  I am also doing an asterisk block for Quilting for Kids – hosted by So Sarah Sews.

QuiltingforKidsWhat have you been working on? If you have been busy with Valentine’s Day projects – I want to see them!!! Link up to the Valentine’s Day Linky Party – there are some great prizes to be won!

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