Web Favs of the Week

There is so much going on this week. For some reason it has felt really stressful for me and I don’t even have school age children who have started already or are getting ready to start school!

Sewing Contests

I love sewing and quilting. Sometimes though it feels like I am sewing without purpose – just to see if I can make this or that, or create something new.  If you are anything like me then you are in luck! There are several sewing “contests” going on right now.

Do you follow Stitched In Color?  She is having a fun contest on her blog called “Celebrate Color”. It is a celebration of the colors of fall. She will be having tutorials, contests and prizes on her blog in the coming months.  You should really check it out – even if you don’t win her contests are always so fun – I participated in her Blogger’s Pillow Party at the beginning of the year and just loved seeing what everyone else had created!

For all you quilters out there: have you heard of the Quilting Gallery?  It is a great resource for quilters – including a blog, a list of quilting bloggers, a quilt shop locator, a search feature to find quilt guilds in your area, a quilter’s market – where you will find new products for quilters, a quilter’s fun page, and even a quilter’s cookbook full of recipes. Not only are there a ton of great resources for quilters of all levels on this site AND a weekly quilting competition! This week is Jelly Roll Quilts – I entered my Cobblestone Roads.  Here is a link to the list of upcoming themes – check them out and enter – there are some great prizes to be won!

Have you heard of the Hoffman Challenge?  This is the 24th Anniversary of the Challenge – it is based on one piece of fabric that you have to use and you can incorporate other fabrics into your design. There are three quilting categories: pieced, applique and mixed techniques.  This year they have added new categories this year including sewing and wearable art, accessories and dolls (Challenge History Page).  Here is a link to the FAQ and Entry Form page – you will also find the challenge fabric there. You should give it a try there are some FABULOUS prizes to be won!

Start sewing and enter one or all of these great contests!

Feature: Heidi From Craft Monkey
Have you seen Heidi’s blog Craft Monkey?  I love her blog – she does some fabulous home dec projects. The kind of home dec projects I say that I want to do or I will do one day but never get up the gumption to actually do them! She just finished re-doing three tables – they turned out gorgeously – I wish had that kind of bravery! She also does some great tutorials with easy to follow pictures. If you haven’t been to her blog you should really go check it out!