sewing studio

Quilty Inspiration Wall

Over the last year I have been collecting/making items for my quilty inspiration wall. The wall that I face when I am sewing. I thought it would be nice to be able to look at that wall and feel inspired while I was sewing.  The ladies from the birthday club I am went all out to help me decorate my creative space!  Each item on the wall is truly precious to me and has a unique story that cheers me up whenever I look up from my sewing.

Quilty Inspiration Wall - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comStarting on the upper left is an amazing wall hanging from @chelsiecreates on Instagram. I just love the colors and brightness.

Second column from the left at the top is a stunning rainbow inspired drunkards path wall hanging from @rooibosmom also on Instagram.  Below that is a beautiful little wooden painting my mom gave me of a classic treadle and a woman sewing. I love how dolled up she is to sew – especially since I’m usually in my jammies! Below that is another wall hanging/mug rug from one of my friends in my Modern Quilt Guild – @4BAGGYS we were in a swap, the cool thing is that she made it using fabrics from my stash!  And below that is a gorgeous wall hanging my mom made years ago in a class. I found the top in her stash and brought it home to quilt and bind. I just LOVE it so much!

At the top of the middle column is a stunning wall hanging from @plumpatchwork, I was blown away when this ended up in my mailbox last month!   Below that wall hanging is some artwork by my wonderful Anne. As she inspires most of what I do, I can’t imagine her not being represented!

Second from the right is a stunning wall hanging by @weshallsew – oh my goodness, don’t you just love those hexies and the colors are SO me!

Finally, all the way to the right, is a crazy quilt block I made to try out some embroidery techniques. One day I will be making a real crazy quilt and this was a good test run for me.

So there you have it! My little inspiration wall. I plan to continue to add to it and I’m pretty sure that Anne does too! Do you have an inspiration wall?


New Design Walls

Last week I was visiting Deb from asimplelife Quilts and saw her awesome new design wall that she made back in July.  I commented on how great I thought it was and she sent me over to Oh Fransson to this fabulous tutorial to build an inexpensive design wall.

Well I did my own take. I went with 1″ thick foam insulation like Deb did, but unlike Deb and Elizabeth, I decided to forget the staple gun (mainly because we didn’t have the right staples). I improvised with some of the worst pins I’ve ever purchased in my life. I threw away at least 4 from the pack because they wouldn’t even pierce the batting! I bought a 4′ by 8′ piece of foam and had the store cut 2′ off the top, making it 4′ by 6′ – good thing too or it wouldn’t have fit in our car!

My plan when the desk to the left is gone is to buy a second one to double the size of my design wall.  Don’t worry! I didn’t throw away the left over foam, I improvised again! I decided I needed a table top design wall too! It is perfect for my cutting wall to just throw things up as I cut. Plus, Anne likes it when I put it on the floor for her to “design” with!

I am loving having a place for 2 active projects – I’m hoping this will lead to extra productivity, we shall see!

Don’t forget to link up your finishes to the August Finishes Party for A Lovely Year of Finishes.

Guest Posting Today

Hi everyone! I am not here today, I am somewhere else…don’t you wish you knew where!

Ok ok, I’ll tell you! I’m guest posting over at Created By Cori. She is hosting a Spring Clean Craft Room Series this month and invited me to be part of it. Little does she know that until a week ago, my sewing room was a DISASTER! Good thing she invited me because otherwise I it probably still would be!

Head on over to see how I turned a blank wall into a work of quilt tool art!

Go check it out! And if this is your first time to my blog, WELCOME! I am hosting a great giveaway this week from Fat Quarter Shop and I have a wonderful free tutorial section that you are welcome to check out.

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