Giving Thanks

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I have always thought of Thanksgiving as a day for reflection.  I have so much in my life to be thankful for this year.

First and foremost I am grateful for my husband’s safety and the fact that he is home with us right now.  Getting to spend holidays (really any day) with him is something that I truly cherish. I am grateful for our daughter Anne. She has taught me so much this past year and she continues to teach me new things every day.  I am grateful that her health has improved and that she is growing more and more everyday into the most amazing little person.

I am grateful for my family.  I am grateful that Anne has two sets of grandparents who want to be actively in her life and who make her so happy.  Nothing makes my day more than watching her play with her grandparents and make art projects with them.  I can’t tell you why it touches my heart so deeply but it does. I am grateful for the fact that I know help is a phone call and a plane ride away.  When Anne got sick this summer, my mom was on a flight the next day.  We are so blessed that we have family who can be there.

I am grateful for new friends and old friends.  Being relatively new to the blogging world I feel as though I have been welcomed with open arms. I have made some wonderful new friends: Kiera, Jenna, Dawn, Julie, Lyanna, Vicki, and so many many more.  I have rekindled friendships with old friends. People that I had lost contact with for years. The craziest part is that even though I hadn’t spoken to some of these friends in 10 years it was as though not even a day had passed.  As I told one of these friends on Friday night, reconnecting with her was like putting on my favorite old sweatshirt – comfortable and familiar. Thank you dear friends, I cherish each and every one of you. You have taught me so much this past year and I look forward to getting to know each of you more as the next year starts.

There is so much to be grateful for. Even on my worst day I am trying my best to find something that I can be thankful for.  As Jenna from Sew Happy Geek recently taught me, I am trying to be mindful every day and it is making such a difference in my life.

Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!

I will be back on next Monday, have a great holiday weekend!