Twirling Around Quilt

Twirling Around – Doing Something Good

I normally do not post twice in one day, but today is special.  You may remember my Twirling Around Quilt that I posted pictures of back in January.

Well, yesterday, Julie from The Intrepid Thread made a wonderful announcement on her blog – you can now buy my very first pattern from Julie.

The pattern is being sold exclusively at The Intrepid Thread for $6.00. The best part is that all proceeds are being donated to Heartline – the charity that Julie helps support – on top of that…Julie is matching each donation dollar for dollar. This means, you spend $6.00 and $12.00 will be donated to Heartline.

And did I mention that Julie is have a great giveaway right now too!

Twirl Inspiration

My first project this year was playing with Twirl. I have never made anything with a layer cake before and I wanted to make sure that I got the most use out the fabric available and that what I ended up with was a large usable quilt. Here’s what I designed and made:

Did I mention it snowed this weekend! I can’t tell you how tickled Anne was to play outside in it 🙂

The top measures 64×72 inches and I have decided to go borderless. This will be a first for me, but I just don’t think the quilt needs it. I am waiting on Twirl yardage to become available (supposed to be this week) and I will buy a backing and the binding – I’m hoping this will be my first BIG finish of 2012.

Have you entered the giveaway yet for the Twirl Layer Cake? What will you make if you win?

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!


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