Finish-A-Long @ Quilter in the Gap

Do you follow Rhonda from Quilter in the Gap?  For 2012 she has decided to host a Finish-A-Long party each quarter of the year. I am excited for a couple reasons, one I am participating (I need to hold myself accountable for a few things!) and two because I am a guest blogger for the 3rd quarter (fun fun fun!).

Here are the projects I want to finish this quarter:

  1. Zig-Zag-Zoom Quilt for my Sister-In-Law – I am going to be a proud Auntie yet again in the Spring and that baby needs a FINISHED quilt!

    Small Section of the Quilt
  2. I have 2 Quilt”ish” designs in EQ7 that need to be turned into patterns and tested – no pictures now, but there will definitely be pictures on the finished post!
  3. I am participating in Jenna at SewHappyGeek’sSew. Happy. Quilt Along – I have all my fabrics purchased and I plan on making each block and finishing before the end of the quarter!

    Sew. Happy. Quilt Along Layout
  4. I need to make my last Pay it Forward gift – I am sure that my partner has probably given up all hope on me, even though I still have 6 months to make good!
  5. I want to make SOMETHING for Valentine’s Day!

I am hoping that goal setting such as this will help keep me honest with myself on my projects!

I am linking up this post here over at Quilter in the Gap. Join in the fun and win some cool prizes while you finish things up!

NOTE: Don’t forget, I am one of the bloggers who is going to lose Google Friend Connect in March 2012, please take a moment and follow me via Bloglovin’, Facebook, RSS or networked blogs.  You are important to me and I want to be able to stay in contact with you!  Check my side bar for all the best ways to stay in touch after GFC goes bye bye!


UFO’s – they are MULTIPLYING!

Do you have any UFO’s?

Image Source: http://ufo-alien.info/

NO! Not that kind of UFO – I mean Unfinished Object!  I have SO many it is driving me batty!

I have my Mystery Quilt – through Quiltmaker Magazine to finish (part 3)

I have my nephew’s Monkey Business Quilt top to finish – Second Border and quilting –

My Great Grandma’s Tahitian quilt needs to be hand appliqued

My Christmas Sampler Quilt needs to be finished (I have made lots of progress on that front though! – only 7 blocks left to make)

The worst part is that there are a few more UFOs to be found in my sewing room…I just don’t have pictures of them so they aren’t on this post.

There is one more UFO too – but you will get to see that next week – and hopefully it will be a finished object by then!

What UFO’s do you have?!?  Please tell me I am not the only one with the projects stacking up around them in their sewing space!

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