
The Start of Something New

Are you a bit Crazy & Twisted?

Some of my friends would say that I am 🙂  I’m ok with that because you know what…I am!

If you are too you should head on over to Fiber of All Sorts! I have teamed up with Shanna again to start a new online quilting bee of sorts. This one is a little different, it goes about it outside the norm. Instead of your typical blocks or rows or rounds we are doing things a bit crazy and a little twisted.

Here is a sneak peak at what we are thinking of creating!

1. Emily’s Round Robin Quilt, 2. The Traveling Quilts Bee – Round 4, 3. Improvi-Robin #1 front, 4. birds eye 1, 5. The Traveling Quilts Bee – Round 7, 6. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 02, 7. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 00, 8. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 11, 9. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 13

So if you are a little bit crazy and maybe a bit twisted too – go check out Shanna’s blog and see if you are interested in joining us on a new quilting adventure! To join this bee, you must have prior swapping or bee experience.

Happy Birthday to me (and you too!)

Today is the day. My birthday.

And since nothing is cuter than a baby’s first birthday, here is a picture of Anne on her first birthday 🙂

I did say Happy Birthday to you too, right?  Well, my wonderful friend Sondra, from Contemporary Cloth is helping me celebrate! How do three $15.00 gift certificates sound?  I thought they sounded great! Just follow the directions on the rafflecopter below to enter! Giveaway will be open until July 9, 2013, winners will be notified via email and will have 72 hours to respond before a new winner is chosen.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Emails and pattern testers

I would like to thank everyone who has asked to be a pattern tester. I am slowly going through emails and responding. I want to let everyone know that I have been unexpectedly called home so the next week I will be packing and then driving 800 miles to my parents house.  Please know I will respond to every email I receive but I might be a bit delayed. Thank you for your understanding.

Under the Weather

Have you missed me? I’ve seriously missed you all! On the 18th Anne came down with a fever that lasted for 5 straight days and she lost 3 lbs in those 5 days. Now 3 lbs may not seem like a lot to most people but when you consider that most toddlers average weight gain over a year is between 3 and 4 lbs then that number is a little more frightening. As soon as her temperature broke, mine kicked it in to high gear. It turns out Anne had Strep B (I didn’t even know there was more than one kind of strep until last week!).

I have now been sick for a week and yesterday I finally dragged my butt to the doctor to get a lovely diagnosis of bronchitis mixed in with a severe asthma attack for which I am now on antibiotics and steroids. I am hoping to be on the mend by the end of this week, and I’m so sorry that I have up and disappeared.

You have until tomorrow evening to enter your finish for January’s A Lovely Year of Finishes Party and the February goal setting party will start on Friday so start thinking about what you want to work on next month. I have one big deadline I will be working on in February and I will share that with you on Friday.

Have a great day! I will be spending my day convalescing.

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