The Start of Something New
Are you a bit Crazy & Twisted?
Some of my friends would say that I am 🙂 I’m ok with that because you know what…I am!
If you are too you should head on over to Fiber of All Sorts! I have teamed up with Shanna again to start a new online quilting bee of sorts. This one is a little different, it goes about it outside the norm. Instead of your typical blocks or rows or rounds we are doing things a bit crazy and a little twisted.
Here is a sneak peak at what we are thinking of creating!
1. Emily’s Round Robin Quilt, 2. The Traveling Quilts Bee – Round 4, 3. Improvi-Robin #1 front, 4. birds eye 1, 5. The Traveling Quilts Bee – Round 7, 6. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 02, 7. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 00, 8. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 11, 9. QUILTCON ~ Improv Round Robin 13
So if you are a little bit crazy and maybe a bit twisted too – go check out Shanna’s blog and see if you are interested in joining us on a new quilting adventure! To join this bee, you must have prior swapping or bee experience.