Valentine’s Day Showcase

Congratulations Are In Order!

I would just like to say again, you all are so incredibly talented! Thank you for sharing all of your beautiful creations with everybody! I would also like to take an opportunity to thank my wonderful sponsors and all of my fabulous blogging buddies who helped make the Valentine’s Day Showcase a success!

The First Place Winner – taking home a $75.00 gift certificate from Fat Quarter Shop is Susan Smith with her Valentine Mini Quilt Wall Hanging.

valentinecontest2Our Second Place Winner – taking home a $25.00 gift certificate to Contemporary Cloth is Rebecca from Our Busy Little Bunch.

image courtesy of: Our Busy Little Bunch

Our Third Place Winner – taking home a gift set from Sassy Packs is Gwen with her Love Sweet Love. (I couldn’t figure out how to show the picture here – sorry, Flickr was not my friend today!).

And now for a little surprise! I decided that we need a random surprise winner. Normally I resort to Mr. Random Number Generator but Anne had to have some testing done yesterday and I wanted to cheer her up – so I let her pick the winner 🙂  You will be happy to know it worked like a charm!

Congratulations to Cheryl! She submitted some hand sewn cookies – at a quick glance I thought they were edible, but I was wrong – they are stunning and clearly look good enough to eat!

You have won a charm pack of Ruby by Bonnie and Camille from my personal stash 🙂

All of the winners will be notified by email later today.

Have a great weekend everyone and come back Monday for another fun giveaway!!!

Time to get your vote on!

The last time I checked before turning in for the night – there were 50 entries into the Valentine’s Day Showcase After Party! I am blown away and amazed by all the talented out there in the blogging world! I continue to be inspired by each and every one of you every day and that is what keeps me blogging.

So now it is time to get your vote on! There are 3 prizes up for grabs:

1st Place is a $75.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!

2nd Prize is a $25.00 Gift Certificate to Contemporary Cloth!

3rd Prize is as prize pack from Sassy Packs!

As an added bonus – Mr. Random Number generator is going to select a 4th winner for a special prize from yours truly. I will announce the prize on Friday, February 24th when all the winners are announced!  Voting will run through Thursday, February 23rd, 9 pm Pacific Time.

I am so excited and I cannot wait to see who you all pick…I’m not voting because there is no way I could possibly pick!

So spread the word and tell your friends, family and loved ones to come over and vote for you!!!  Voting is on the original Linky Party Post.

Good luck!


Happy President’s Day

Today is President’s Day – how are you spending it? We are spending it as a family – my hubs has the day off, which is always a treat.  A few errands need to be run, but otherwise we will just be hanging out (most likely in jammies).

I thought I would show you what sewed up for Valentine’s Day.

It is a little doll pillow for Anne – she only has  a couple of dolls, but her giraffe and monkey seem to be really enjoying it!

Today is the last day to enter into the Valentine’s Day Showcase After Party. As of last night there were 44 fabulous entries! I am so blown away by the work that has been shared. You are all so inspiring to me! If you haven’t already make sure you vote.

Let me remind you of the wonderful prizes.

1st Place is a $75.00 Gift Certificate to Fat Quarter Shop!

2nd Prize is a $25.00 Gift Certificate to Contemporary Cloth!

3rd Prize is as prize pack from Sassy Packs!

You know you want a chance to win one of these – so LINK UP!

Busy Little Bee

The past couple of weeks I have been a busy little bee – literally. I thought I would share with you some of the bee blocks I have been working on.

For the Trust Circle of Do.Good Stitches I made two wonky star blocks

Here is a link to the tutorial I used

Next up I made up my blocks for Sew. Bee. Blissful

This is the Starflower Block from Jennifer at Ellison Lane Quilts

Finally I signed up for the 4×5 Bee on Flickr. I had to make 5 blocks for my hive mates. The purple and gray one is my test block and the colors I requested from my bee mates. This is a sawtooth star block – I didn’t use a tutorial – if you would like me to do one – let me know!

I am still working on blocks for the 3×6 Bee – also on Flickr. I am working on a paper pieced star for that bee (my hive is all paper pieced blocks).  I am also doing an asterisk block for Quilting for Kids – hosted by So Sarah Sews.

QuiltingforKidsWhat have you been working on? If you have been busy with Valentine’s Day projects – I want to see them!!! Link up to the Valentine’s Day Linky Party – there are some great prizes to be won!


Hi everyone! I hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day and that you are all submitting a project into the Valentine’s Day Showcase! There are some great projects already up and some wonderful prizes up for grabs.

I have been busy sewing away the last 2 weeks…well really only the last week – the first week of February I was under the weather and just didn’t feel much like sewing. It was as though all my creative energy was sucked out of me by the cold – well…I’m back and in full force!

With a few of my twitter pals: Jenna (@SewHappyGeek), Bonnie (beeclef), Shanna (h2ogirl76) and about 800 other bloggers I have started to Swoon!

swoon-along buttonI decided to do only one block per month – I need a goal that I can easily accomplish – so here are my first two blocks. I am using Half Moon Modern – which I bought from the incomparable Julie from Intrepid Thread.

What do you think?!? I am really loving them so far. I have 7 more to make – I should hopefully finish all my blocks by the end of September if I stick to my schedule. Are you Swooning too?  Here is a link to the pattern if you are interested in joining in on the fun!

Don’t forget to link up your Valentine’s Day projects!

Oh yeah, and while we didn’t do too much to celebrate yesterday – Anne became a baker! She baked brownies for her daddy (with a little help from me)!

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