Vintage Christmas Sampler – Wreath Block
The Wreath Block…this has been the most requested tutorial since I started my Vintage Christmas Sampler…and it is the one block I have been avoiding like the plague. I first found this block at Popular Patch Work – it is a gorgeous block and I immediately fell in love with it. The only problem I had was that it was designed as a 6 inch block and I needed a 12 inch block for my quilt. Needless to say…some fancy quilt math ensued.
Let me also start out with an apology…I did not take very many pictures while making this block – I was so focused on seeing whether I had done the math and the cutting right. (side note: this is also the first time I ever did quarter square triangles…) If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask – I will be more than happy to re-do the block and take more pictures if need be!
Get the tute after the jump! …