Wordless Wednesday

Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

This week I am going slow on the sewing projects and testing out the amazing new machine that has fallen into my lap.  My first two projects were simple repairs, a good way to familiarize myself with basic sewing.  The hubs has been after me all summer to repair a pair of PT shorts for his uniform, so with the help of my mom (she pinned everything for me while I was reading my manual) I finally got them done!Repaired Shorts - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com

What have you all been working on?

Tomorrow is the last day to link up your goals for this month so make sure you do that!!


Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

Today Anne and I are volunteering at the Thurston County Fair.  My local chapter of the Modern Quilt Guild has a booth there and today is opening day, as President of the guild I wanted to make sure I was there to represent the guild. I am bringing lots of projects to entertain Anne and even a dvd player. I will be working on binding the quilt that I posted about on Monday. I finished the quilting Monday, trimmed it and prepped the binding yesterday and today I start the handwork.

In the meantime, since we are going to the county fair I thought I would show off the fabrics for my next design project. I was drawn to them because they are happy. I also love blues and reds. I am pairing these with Kona White.

Cuteville County Fair - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comCuteville County Fair by Cathy Heck for Henry Glass

Have happy Wednesday! And I will be back tomorrow with pictures of my quilts hanging at the fair!


Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

Welcome back to another edition of Not-So-Wordless Wednesday. I missed last week, this month is going by far to fast for me and things that I don’t even want to think about are sneaking up on me. It’s enough to make a grown woman curl up in a ball.  In the mean time I have been trying to meet sewing deadlines and commitments. I have come to realize that Irene is my new best friend when it comes to piecing, she is deadly accurate and just a dream to sew on. She sits in front of Jan, my trusty Janome Horizon and go to for any type of quilting.  I don’t know why but when I walk into my sewing room and see the two of them like this it always makes me giggle.

Jan & Irene - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI hope you have a very happy hump day!


Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

Hi Everyone! I am so late today! I have been working my tail off to finish my Flowering Lone Star quilt and thought I would show you a progress shot. I had to take this picture with my iPhone because I couldn’t get the colors right on my expensive camera (go figure).

Quilting Flowering Lone Star 2 - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.com

Caption it!

I hope you are having a very happy Hump Day!


Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

Hi Everyone and Happy Wednesday! New content for you today, unlike the last 2 days where I have filled the blog with past finishes for the Blogger’s Quilt Festival! Don’t forget you can go and vote for your favorites, if one of those happens to be one of my quilts that is absolutely awesome!

The last 4 days I have been working on my May ALYoF goal – the updated Flowering Lone Star. I was going to take a progress shot and Anne just had to jump in on the picture taking fun.

Anne w Modern Poppy Flowering Lone Star - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comIn case you are wondering about the project next to the lone star, that is the quilt Anne is working on!

Have a wonderful Wednesday!


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