Wordless Wednesday

Not-So-Wordless Wednesday

The lovely Shanna pointed out that my Wordless Wednesday posts really aren’t wordless so she came up with a new title for me!  Not-So-Wordless Wednesday!

Today’s post comes courtesy of Anne! She was in my sewing room yesterday and had a bit of fun with my HSTs leftover from my Swoon Quilt and her mini design wall (because every 4 year old needs a design wall!).

Anne's HSTs - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comCaption it!


Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!

I was gone last week, sorry about that. Did you miss me?

Last night I was on Instagram, as I often am, and I saw that people were posting pictures of their Olfa cutters to celebrate Olfa’s 35th Anniversary. I went ahead and posted a picture. Then I began to think about just how many cutters I have that aren’t Olfa. I took a picture of my entire collection today and it is entirely possible that I have a bit of a Rotary Cutter Problem. I need to go to RCP Anonymous!

Rotary Cutter Collection - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI am hoping I’m not the only one with this problem! Caption it!


Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!

I love online quilting bees. I’ve been doing them for the last 3 years now.  I just found out on Instagram that the 4×5 Modern Quilt Bee over on Flickr just opened for Spring registration and my friend Ella from Throw a Wench in the Works is running the bee this quarter!

I’ve been collecting blocks for my Yellow, Aqua and Gray quilt for at least 1.5 years now. I am 12 blocks shy so I’m leaping in with Shanna from Fiber of All Sorts and joining the bee. I will get at least 6 blocks closer to my goal!

Yellow, Gray, Aqua Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comI need a name for this quilt, help me name it with your caption below!

And because Anne wanted to help me lay out the blocks and just had to have her picture taken too…here’s some cuteness for your day!

Anne & Yellow Quilt - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comHave a wonderful Wednesday and make it a great day!


Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!

So I made a mess in my sewing room yesterday and I have absolutely zero inclination to clean it up. I dumped out my black and white bin, which at some point over the last 2 years morphed into a black, white, gray and bone bin.  Now I’m contemplating whether or not I need to add a separate gray bin and if so where in all holy heck am I gonna store it!

B&W Bin Explosion - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comGo ahead and caption it!
Might I add this is smack in the middle of my room and there is no walking around it, you have to walk through it to reach my sewing machine.

On a side note! I have a giveaway over on Instagram! I am a bit late to the Instagram party and I just hit 300 followers! I am giving away two charm packs – due to shipping costs this giveaway is open to US only.  I’m @sewbittersweetdesigns on Instagram.

Have a happy Wednesday!


Wordless Wednesday – Caption It!

I like to do a lot of straight line quilting on my quilts. I did some last week and here is my pile of tape when I was all done. Unfortunately I bought a cheap off brand and it was only good for one line at a time and sometimes not even the one line.  Lesson learned – sometimes it is worth it to pay for the name brand stuff!  Caption it!

Blue Tape Quilting - https://test.sewbittersweetdesigns.comToday is the last day to enter my Craftsy Giveaway so make sure you don’t miss out!


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