work in progress

Work It Wednesday

Is it hump day already?!? Woohoo! That means the week is almost over and Easter is just a few days away.  Now that I have finished with all my Easter presents and mailed off the ones for my nieces and nephews, I am back to finishing up the Butterfly Quilt.

For those who are new to the blog, the Butterfly Quilt is the first quilt I have ever designed and it is for my daughter Anne.

Last night I worked on the free-motion quilting aspect of the quilt. It took me about 3 hours but I was able to get it done and it turned out GREAT!
I practiced a lot before I actually had the nerve to try on the quilt. Here are some pictures of my practice piece.

For some reason Blogger and Picasa are not playing nice and will not let me properly rotate my pictures 🙁
I practiced a lot before breaking out the quilt itself. I tried stencils and free motion and decided that as a novice at free-motion quilting, for this special quilt I would stick with free motion curly-cues.
Here are some pictures of finished butterflies:
I machine quilted only the butterfly outlines, not the squares that were machine appliqued and I really do love the overall effect.  Next step taking off the extra backing and batting, then binding and handwork.  Wish me luck!
What are you working on today?

Work It Wednesday

This is crunch week for me as I need to get all my Easter stuff finished for my nieces and nephews by Saturday to mail down to CA where they live. I am making good progress. I have finished everything for the girls and as of last night everything for my oldest nephew. I just have my 5 month old nephew to work on now.

Here is my progress thus far…

Bean Bag Bunnies from 2 Little Hooligans – Check
Anne’s Basket and the purses for her cousins
Side View
Girls are a go!
Anyone up for Chinese on Easter?
Go ahead, open it, you know you want to…
Bean Bag Bunnies!

I whipped together The Chinese Take Out Easter “basket”  for my oldest nephew last night. I am hoping that he and his sisters like the bean bag bunnies and actually use them for a bean bag toss and not just as ammunition to throw at each other.

I am also planning to make a minky Bunny stuffy for Anne and for my youngest nephew, I am hoping to start on that tonight. If I only finish my nephew’s on time I will be very happy. Anne won’t really know if I am late with her’s at 17 months she isn’t going to know if she gets it on Easter or not.

What are you working on this week?

Work It Wednesday

My sewing room has had a population explosion!!!
Bean Bag Bunnies – pattern from 2 Little Hooligans

I’m going to halt production on my Easter projects for a couple of days because a friend of mine is having a baby, and because she reads this blog, I’m only going to put up the fabric I am using for her gift. Let your imagination run wild Jennifer 🙂

I bought some fabric for my nephew too. I made quilts for my older niece and nephew before they were born, but this time around I had my little Anne so I didn’t really have the time. Here is the Funky Monkey Fabric from Moda that I bought.

Isn’t it cute?!?

Of course I still have the butterfly quilt to quilt and I have the jungle quilt to quilt and the Easter baskets to make/finish. So I better get done with this blog post and into my sewing room before Anne wakes up from her nap!

What are you working on?

Work It Wednesday

Welcome back to Work It Wednesday!

This week has been CRAZY! I have been working on Anne’s Easter basket while I wait for fabric in the mail to make a quilt for my nephew. I really should also be working on practicing with my darning foot so I can finish the Butterfly Quilt…but that hasn’t exactly happened.

Here is Anne’s Easter Basket so far.  I plan on making some bunnies to go inside it too, I drew my pattern yesterday, we will see how far I get with it though!

What’s in here?!?
Ooooooo Flowers 🙂

This is what has been keeping me occupied…that and taking care of both my lovies who have been sick 🙁

Look for a tutorial and pattern in April for the super cute flowers that Anne is getting in her Easter Basket! And if I can get my act together and if everyone can get healthy and stay that way, there may also be a Easter Bunny stuffie tutorial in my/your future soon too!

Work It Wednesday

Are you working it? We are!

This week I’ve got a lot going on. I finished my knitting needle case, here is a sneak peak:

Now I am working on a crochet hook case for all you hookers out there!

A friend of mine is having a baby so I bought a simple quilt kit. Every baby should have something homemade!

And finally! This Wednesday has also turned into a Fix It Wednesday for me. Anne has a habit of being a bit forceful when tearing headbands off her head and I have a bunch that need fixing.

Oh and I almost forgot! My new darning foot arrived. I am playing around with it and practicing. I want to get really good with it before I use it on the butterfly quilt, I don’t want any hugely noticeable mistakes!

Geez! I have a lot going on!  What are you working on?

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