Sew BitterSweet Good-Byes

I have said a few times in the past that this blog is my happy place. It is a place where both my daughter and I are perfectly healthy and we spend the days playing and I spend nap time creating.  This is because in reality that is not always how it is, we both have health issues that we deal with daily and they are not easy to deal with.  That is why this is my happy place.

Now, I’ve known for several months now that I was going to need to take a break right around when I disappeared.  I have mentioned before that we are a military family and as often happens with military families, the time has come for another deployment. My husband left for Afghanistan 2.5 weeks ago. This is never easy, no matter what age your children are (I’ve now done it with a 6 week old and now a 2.5 year old), and I wanted to make sure that I could completely devote my time to our daughter. Anne is still adjusting, WE are still adjusting. I like to say that we are looking for a new temporary normal, because whatever normal we land on it will only be temporary, and then we will have to find a new normal once again.

I would like to share a few pictures, the first 2 are from a photo shoot we had done before my husband left. My goal was to surround my house with pictures of husband and my daughter so that wherever she went she would see her daddy and see the 2 of them together. Here are 2 of my favorite pictures:

Here are 2 pictures of the day he left:

Now, I don’t think this would have hit me nearly as hard as it did except for the fact that Anne’s health and my health both took nosedives in the week leading up to his departure.  Not easy stuff to deal with, actually to be perfectly honest it was one of the scariest weeks of my life. A lot of words were tossed around by specialists like Cancer and Stroke. I am OK now, more monitoring will be needed on some ongoing issues, and Anne is also ok, she too needs more close monitoring than before.  Needless to say it has been stressful and scary. My husband has arrived safely at his destination and we actually mailed him his first care package yesterday. I didn’t want to write about any of this until I knew that he and his unit had gotten to their final destination and were indeed safe. You never know who might be reading, and writing about troop movements is NEVER a good idea in a public forum.

Regardless of all that, I continue to count my blessings and remind myself that I am part of an amazingly wonderful community. I had countless people offer to guest post for me (having no idea why I was taking a break), I had my sponsors in my corner throughout the last several weeks, and most importantly I had all of you in my corner. I can’t tell you how much your caring and supportive emails have meant to me.  The next 9 months will not be easy for my family, or any other military family for that matter, but being part of this community I know will help get me through.

So there it is, nothing cataclysmic (though it certainly felt that it was heading that direction at one point), just another life adjustment.  Anne and I are in California right now, I thought it would be good for her to be surrounded by family while we get used to daya (that’s what she calls her daddy) being gone.  Ok, enough! Tomorrow I will show you a couple of the things I managed to sew the last couple weeks.  Back to my normal happy place 🙂

Don’t forget to go enter the 2 giveaways I have open right now. One from Superior Threads and the other from Stitches N’ Giggles.

P.S. Did anyone watch the House Series Finale last night? Loved it!

42 thoughts on “Sew BitterSweet Good-Byes”

  1. wow ; God bless you and your family . I’m sorry about your health issues ; and hope you both are doing better and feeling stronger each day . Love all the pictures ! 😀

  2. Hi Melissa, My thoughts are with you and your family…what a really nice thing to do with the pictures of daya for your daughter and I hope that this place continues to be a happy place for you. 😀

  3. Beautiful photos Melissa. I’m sure you will find those 9 months go by so quickly. Enjoy your time at your folks.

  4. Hugs! Those are some great pictures! I know there are many people standing beside you right now whether they be under the same roof as you or on the other side of the world, we are here for you. You know where to find us. Hang in there.

  5. You and your family will be in may thoughts and prayers – including my own. These are difficult times, but I hope knowing that those near and far and thinking of you brings some small comfort.

  6. Melissa,
    I’m so very sorry for all that you are going through! I can’t imagine how it would be to not have my husband here for 9 months! It seems like whenever he is gone, that’s when things happen—children get sick, air conditioner goes out, etc! I pray that God will bless both you and Anne with good health, lots of fun times together and lots of time to skype with your husband! Keep sending those care packages—it is good for all of you!

  7. Melissa, well you know how I feel. We are all here for you. I absolutely LOVE the pictures. This is a very touching, special post. It tugs at my heart. xxxx

  8. I knew everything that was going on all along and this post still has me in tears. I love you guys more than anything and I will be here for you in any way I can. I am so glad you have all of the pictures you do. I know it will help until you are together again! Praying for you all, all the time!

  9. Melissa,

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. This will be a hard time and we will all be with you. My heart feels for you and is with you. Your pictures are precious and I hope that your medical issues will resolve themselves.

    Take care and am looking forward to seeing your projects.

    Bless you


  10. Melissa, I can’t imagine how hard it is to be away from your husband for that long and then have multiple health issues on top. I hope the time goes by really quick!

  11. You are one strong lady. I do hope all goes well with your family. I do enjoy your blog. Take good care.

  12. Melissa, I hope you can continue finding a happy place. My prayers are with you and I hope these next nine months will go by quickly and without any major problems.

  13. I’m glad to hear that everyone is okay. I don’t know how you do it but I’m glad you have family to help out. Sending good wishes your way.

  14. Oh Melissa, that all sounds terribly scary. I’ll be thinking about and praying for you and your family.

    I love your idea of putting pictures all over the house! What a good mom you are!! 🙂

  15. Thank you, your husband, and your family for your sacrifice. My thoughts and prayers will be heading your way over the next 9 months. Can’t wait to see what you have been able to sew.

  16. oh no sorry to hear about everything that has been going on with you and Anne healthwise. I hope the next 9 months are uneventful for your whole family! Sending lots of hugs your way.

  17. Anne, I grew up in a military family. My dad deployed to Vietnam three times when I was growing up. We always managed somehow, and Christmas’s apart were the worst. Still, I wouldn’t have wanted to grow up any other way. We traveled all over the country . . . from coast to coast . . . and I always look on those times as great adventures. You have a positive attitude about it, and that is the best way to handle it, I think. No doubt it is difficult. My mother had two teenagers while she was single-parenting. I can’t even imagine it. Still, we took our cues from her, and things went on without too much of a hitch. I wish the same for your family. Take good care of yourselves.

  18. Whew that was a bit traumatic, glad everything is doing better health wise, and good luck finding your normal

  19. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily, m’dear. Continuing to ask for safety, health and peace for you all. Loving hugs to you!

  20. I’m glad to hear that you and Anne are feeling better. I hope that having all of us supporting you and keeping you all in our thoughts and prayers will help you through the next 9 months.

  21. God Bless You and your family. I pray for your husband and God’s angels to surround him. I pray you and your daughter will be well too.
    I can only imagine how hard it is to be a military family but I can say I am very proud.
    Wishing you nothing but good things. Oh, those are such sweet pictures too.

  22. Such a touching post, so thankful you have come thru the scares…now on to this pesky deployment thing. Can’t say the time will fly (because it won’t), can’t say you’ll get used to it (because you won’t), but CAN say you’ve got lots of company (some, you will find, better than others!), and great friends that keep you all in their hearts & prayers. Please count me among them!

  23. Can you spell STRESS…..Sweetie, you have so much going on in your life right now it is no wonder you are having health problems. I am glad you are able to be with family. Wishing all the best for all of you and for keeping your dear husband out of harms way.

  24. Thoughts and prayers to you & yours. May the next 9 months fly by for you, and may your husband be surrounded by guardian angels.

  25. praying for a safe tour and return for your hubby! Also for you and Anne while on your own 🙂 Your family photos are all lovely,making sure that Anne can see her daddy every day is important,even if only through photos! I am here for you girl 🙂

  26. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family Melissa! What precious photos of all of you! Hugs and more hugs!

  27. Melanie Logsdon

    My family has also been through 3 deployments, one with me at home pregnant with our second child, and the third just recently with a 4 and 6 year old. I also have some major health issues, so I just wanted to say YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I also know how frustrating it is to hear someone say they know what you are going through. Even if they have been through it, they are not you and they can never know exactly how your body and mind are responding! You are doing a very good thing for your country! I completely recognize the sacrifices the wife of a soldier makes and I applaud you and your husband! Staying close to family is the only way to go, in my opinion! Keep your head up! Your family will be in my prayers and thoughts!

  28. you and yours are now in my thoughts and prayers. thank you for sharing in your hubby’s service to our country … it’s much appreciated. take care and do keep up with your sewing and blogging – it always helps to keep busy with things you love to do.

  29. Take care of yourself and Anne. That has to come first, before the blog right now. Just know that we are thinking of you and we understand.

  30. Take care of yourself and that precious little girl. You and your family are in my prayers.

  31. Wow, God bless you my dear girl. I will keep you and Ann in my prayers. As well as the saftey of your husband. Seems like a smart move on both your parts to visit CA for now. I like that you have pictures around the house so Ann constantly remebers her daddy. The are good for you too.
    quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  32. Good grief, girl. You have had (and still have) some challenges. Just remember there is a whole blog world of quilty friends who are here ready to help in any way we can. Take care and best wishes…thank you for your family’s sacrifices for our country.

  33. Oh my goodness! Your post has me in tears. First- I will be praying for your husband and his men. Second- I will be praying for your health and your sweet baby’s. Life is too crazy for the mama to be sick. You chose very wisely to get close to family. Blessings to you!

  34. I’m glad it’s a 9-month tour, and not longer. I pray for our soldiers every day, and now will put Mr. Melissa on my list personally. =) I’m glad you and Anne are okay, and keeping your spirits up. Having family is helpful, I know. The family pictures are wonderful, and what a great idea you have to help keep daddy involved in the family. God bless you and your family.

  35. You are a strong woman! It is NEVER easy to deal with the things you have had to deal with! I admire you and your strength! I’m keep you and your family in my prayers!!!

  36. I know it’s been pretty rough, but I’m so glad you’re where you are now, both physically and healthwise – I just wish I could come round to give you a hug and fix you a cuppa! The pictures are brilliant – and what is it with men not showing teeth when they smile for a picture? Mike does this thing that he claims is a ‘smile’ but looks more like he’s just been told he accidentally ingested bad fruit.
    Anne’s so cute!!! I’m thinking of you all. 🙂 And you know if you need anything I’m here!

  37. I know that you have just celebrated Memorial Day (in Australia we have Anzac Day in April). I hope that people remember the people left behind. I hate not having my husband at home for one night, I can’t imagine coping for the period of time you have to. I admire your strength and courage to be the person you are.
    Please feel free to unload every so often in your happy place. I know I will be here to listen if you need to. I hope that your health is improving and that your “new normal” is becoming more comfortable for your both.
    Hugs to you all and a safe reunion soon too.

  38. Melissa,
    I was out of the loop for a lot of May (I badly sprained my ankle, had a bad allergic reaction, etc., you know…just normal annoying stuff) so I just now read this post but wanted to say that you, your daughter and your husband will be in my prayers both for his safety and you and your daughter’s health. Best wishes,

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