Christmas block swap

Do You Swap?

There are so many swaps that seem to be going on in the blogosphere and on Flickr. Sometimes it is hard to keep up and not dive in without first considering what obligations you have to your non-sewing world.

I participate in both Bees and Swaps:  Block Swap Adventures and Christmas Block Swap that I launched with Sunni from Love Affair With My Brother. I have really loved doing these swaps, I started with Block Swap Adventures in July and I have now received a total of 2 stunning BSA blocks and the Christmas block I received last month blew me away!

I thought you might like to see them!

Here are the three blocks that I have made so far:

This month I have 4 bee blocks to make AND 3 swap blocks to make. I am feeling a little overwhelmed but I know I will get them done. I just want to make sure I give the people I swap with my best work!  Do you swap? Where? Do you enjoy it?

Sponsor Love – Fat Quarter Shop

Do you love Fat Quarter Shop?  I do!  They have sew much to offer and the best part is that you can get in one stop, in one shipment and you get that shipment FAST!

Have you seen their new collection of downloadable patterns and quilt kits “It’s Sew Emma“?  I love quilting kits – all the work is done for you except the sewing! These are perfect for me, when I’m running low on time and want to be able to make a quilt for someone special and I am ALWAYS running low on time!

This quilt would be PERFECT for my friend Lisa’s son – he is having a Dr. Seuss birthday party in November.  Don’t you think it would be great for a 3 year old?

This quilt would be perfect for either of my two nieces.  They love pink and I think it is just grown up enough that in 2 or 3 years they will still really love it!  What I really love about these patterns is that you can purchase just the pattern, which provides you with the fabric requirements so you can completely personalize it OR you can can purchase the entire quilt kit.  I love that I can purchase the entire kit because it makes my life easier when I am in a pinch.

You may have noticed that I am also hugely into Christmas lately – what with my Christmas quilt blocks and the Christmas Block Swap that I co-host with Sunni from Love Affair With My Brother on Flickr. Fat Quarter Shop’sChristmas Cloth Shop” is a one stop shopping experience for all thing Christmas fabric related!  They have the newest lines and offer both modern and traditionally inspired choices.

They have EVERY Christmas collection you can think of, here are a few of my personal favorites:

(I know – two Seuss items in one post – I can’t help myself, I love Max and Cindy Lou Who)

What is your favorite line that the Fat Quarter Shop offers?  It’s ok, if you can’t pick just one – I clearly can’t either 🙂


GO! Christmas Block Tutorial

As you may already know I received a beautiful new sewing machine for my birthday – but what you may not know is that my wonderful husband also surprised me with an AccuQuilt GO!

Isn’t it pretty?!?

I used my GO! to make my latest quilt block for my Christmas Sampler Quilt.  I found a diagram for the block on quilting forum but NO instructions – so all the quilting math is my own.

I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out – get the know how after the jump!

Bust out your GO! Value Die and cut out your shapes – this took me less than 10 minutes – I am in love!

For those quilters who do not have a GO! yet, you will need the following:

1 Red Square – 4.5 inches
4 White Squares – 2.5 Inches
4 Light Print Squares – 2.5 Inches
12 Green Squares – 2.5 Inches
12 HSTs with White and Red fabrics – 2.5 Inches (for HST instructions see my Chevron Block Tutorial)

Assemble your corner squares:

Sew 1 HST to 1 Green Square. Sew two HSTs together.  Connect them to make a square – should measure 4.5 inches. Do this 4 times.

These are your corner squares

Assemble your center Squares:

Sew two green squares together, then sew one white and one light print together.   The sew these together to make a 4.5 inch square.

Layout your rows:

You have now assembled your block!

Have you made a version of this block before?  Have you used a GO! to make it?  This is the first block of my series that I have done using the GO! and I have to tell you that it measure EXACTLY 12.5 inches, it is amazing how accurate cutting and an accurate 1/4″ seam can help in that aspect. Tune in next week for a mini tutorial on how to get an accurate 1/4″ seam!

Make sure you check out the other blocks and tutorials in my vintage sampler.  And don’t forget this block could easily be updated to a more modern block by simply changing the fabrics!!!

Radiating Diamonds Block

I drew this block out while standing at my ironing board last Tuesday. I am fairly certain that I am not the first person to make this block – especially when there are books like the Encyclopedia of Pieced Quilts. It has 4,000 quilt blocks in it, so I have to believe that even though I drew it out, I’m not the first person to do it!

This block is another example of using Half Square Triangles and basic squares.  For more information on constructing Half Square Triangles – please refer to my Chevron Block Tutorial.

Get the know how after the jump! …

Vintage Christmas Sampler Tutorials

I have been working on this sampler for the last month and thought you might like to watch my progress and quilt along with me!

Here is a list of the blocks that I plan on making for my Vintage Sampler Quilt – check back regularly for updated posts. I will link each tutorial to this post – not all the blocks listed will have tutorials – I have already started sewing and I have forgotten to take pictures a couple of times (oops!).

These are posted in no particular order – so please don’t expect me to complete them in any particular order 🙂 These are merely the blocks that have caught my fancy!

Block 1: LeMoyne Star
Block 2: Radiating Diamonds
Block 3: Log Cabin
Block 4: Christmas Tree
Block 5: Stocking
Block 6: Blueberry Pie
Block 7: Indian Mats
Block 8: Geese in Formation
Block 9: Oatmeal Cookie Variation
Block 10: 9 Patch
Block 11: Chevron
Block 12: Wonky Barn Fence
Block 13: Ohio Star Variation
Block 14: Waterwheel
Block 15: Wreath
Block 16: Snail’s Trail
Block 17: Old Snowflake
Block 18: Double Wrench
Block 19: Scrappy Zig Zag
Block 20: Fireflies

P.S. I should have mentioned that each block I am making will measure 12 inches finished!
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